
2015年10月14日 星期三



Stasis is the phenomenon of no phenotypic or genotypic change. Stasis occurs when the environment that the organism lives in doesn't change.

Bjorn Ostman (2008): Stasis Does Not Falsify Evolution. Pleiotrophy. 

Evolutionary change comes through the production of variation in each generation and differential survival of individuals with different combinations of these variable characters. Variation exists between members of the population and those that possess the most favourable traits will survive best and reproduce more.

Lloyd Spencer Davis(2007): Natural Selection. Looking For Darwin.
Stephen Montgomery: Charles Darwin & Evolution 1809-2009. Darwin 200.

Phenotypic plasticity is the change in a phenotype as the result of environmental conditions. This allow the organism to adapt to varying conditions in real-time, potentially allowing for an optimal phenotype for every condition.

Marc Srour: Phenotypic Plasticity. Bioteaching. [accessed 2 May 2013]

